Books by jsburl

… The chines down the back shimmered silver, starting at the forehead, and ending at that imposing tail! And it had blue eyes that sparkled, but darker than Lana’s. …

And the friends travel together to…

My books are meant to entertain, teach, and take you away to different places, letting you escape the world around you for a bit. I hope you enjoy them. Life is a journey, day by day. Make every day extraordinary. 

Tippy’s New Friend is Tippy Goes to California. Tippy, Seren, and Lana fly to California and meet up with Lana’s friend Chris. They take flight and visit some amazing places, and even go dragon belly sliding! Due out in early 2024


Third book in the works is Tippy Visits Washington State, where the trio pick up a friends son to take them to see wonders of this north western state.

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A coaching book with sessions for the Caregivers and Loved Ones, and sessions for both the Stroke & TBI Individuals, Caregivers & Loved Ones

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